Monday, December 13, 2010

My New Studio

The Garage

Today I went into my studio for the first time in a long time and packed up all the paints and liquids that could freeze. I am not sure if the heating will be cut off, I am not sure how bankruptcies and foreclosures work. There is a pile of boxes and pails ready to go sitting at the door. They are headed for the garage. I am so looking forward to keeping the rent! However, there is a small challenge with regard to space… So this is the before picture of our garage, my former teaching space. It will be totally revamped. I am thankful for all the shelving that is available. Emptying it is the first order of business. My wonderful husband is presently choosing boxes he would like to reduce and store elsewhere. Our garage was never a garage. We knew that when we built it. Our vehicles have never graced the threshold. The big double door is just for show. It has always been a space in which to create and share. It used to be that my painting would be put away when my students came. This time it might be that the teaching will take a back seat. In any case a major decluttering is in the offing. It is amazing how much stuff is accumulated over sixteen years. And the statue? Well, that is something else I do. The restoration is just about complete. Done before Christmas. Tomorrow and Thursday will be my last classes before this season’s celebrations as well. It is all in the plan. Tonight I will paint another wall or two before I put my head cold to bed. Who knows? We may even put up a tree.

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