Monday, January 17, 2011


We have an empty apartment downstairs that we have been trying to rent for a month. Today I was very thankful that there had been no customers because my priority of moving my studio became urgent and it provided the space I needed to dump all the boxes and equipment as we arranged the drafting desk and paper storage unit against the walls of the garage. I have begun to call it my studio. And so it is. It just does not look like one at the moment…. The paintings are moved and in place. There is one canvas that does not fit. It will once I adjust the furniture a bit. The tables are piled high and there is so much more to move in. It is at this point when I ask myself if I am really making progress. They say it is darkest before the dawn. I never understood that. I have watched many sunrises and it is light long before dawn. At least here, in my part of the world. It is true that the closer one is to the equator the less twilight there is. I love twilight. It is so full of promise. At the beginning of the day the promise is life filled with beauty and possibility. At the end it promises rest and renewal. We live in an awesome world filled with moments of awestruckness. The sunrises and sunsets are some. The smile of a grandchild is another. Selective recycling revealing empty spaces where there had been none before…. yes. Let’s move a few other things out that belong elsewhere. Then there will be room and room to spare.

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