Monday, March 7, 2011


This one again…. Sometimes it takes a long time to finish a painting. This one has been finished I do not remember how many times. Something was bugging me. So I fixed one little thing. Then I fixed another. I got sick of it walked away and did something else. I did several something elses. Was it done? No. I took it to a group of artists to discuss the problem. They made several suggestions. Slowly the painting improved. Again I declared it done. I put it away and turned my attention to other tasks. Here it is March and the opening is on the 11th. Do I need this painting? Yes. Is it done? No. Again, no. At this point a machete comes to mind. However, instead of destroying the canvas or beginning all over, I asked for help once more. This time I made some significant changes. Much better. Then I noticed something that had not been there before…. the head of a dinosaur. It was a friendly dinosaur complete with eyes, nostrils and a great big grin. I had to laugh. Out came my palette knife and the facelift began. He had to go and he did. It is done. Maybe.

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