Monday, November 28, 2011


It is busy these days. My deadlines are looming and there seems less time than usual to get everything done. Busyness. It is time to reconsider. This is the first week of Advent, time to pause and make room at the inn for peace, hospitality and joy. I will take some time today to sit, or, even better, to walk. A little exercise clears the mind. In the meantime there is one out of three projects done for Wednesday. Two panels are due, one on the contribution of two extraordinary people in the medical field and another on celebration in the form of parades and processions, plus a maquette for a third panel on local hospitality establishments, the hotels. A maquette is a sketch illustrating preliminary ideas made for approval of the concept before the painting is done. I have found that the more complete a maquette image is, the easier it is for my client to decide whether or not he/she approves of it. The three panels are destined for the St. Jean Baptiste Park in Morinville. It is a lovely park and the installation of the murals and panels is very pretty. This is the medical themed image. It is less complex than the parades and portraits are always fun. Of course the ease of the project depends on the clarity of the source photos which is not always the case. I am usually very thankful for the hours I spend drawing from life. It is amazing what can be fixed with a little knowledge and experience.

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