Monday, November 14, 2011


It is true. There are no vines running through the images nor is there much shading. Some would call the collection of images charming, one of the qualities of a vignette so the dictionary says. Why vignette? Well, it is a convenient way to differentiate between sizes of murals. A vignette in my corner of the world is a three foot by four foot panel which will be mounted in a steel frame set beside a path in a park. A tableau is a four foot by eight foot panel and a mural is any size after that. So these are two of the three vignettes that I have been commissioned to paint. I prepared the panels as usual with molding paste and several coats of iridescent colour. The base is the same for all three: ultramarine blue and burnt sienna with a touch of silver. A little alizarin crimson adds a further dimension. I chose a purple watercolour pencil to do the drawing on the medical image. Purple is the colour of healing they say. My favorite poppy red watercolour pencil delineated the collection of parades, a complicated piece. Parades are lively, red is lively. Now all that is left to do is paint.

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