Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Keeping the Faith

Painting is something of a puzzle. It has a lot to do with keeping the faith.  There is a point where I wonder if I should begin all over again. Nothing looks as if it will come together. I use a lot of colours. It is much easier if one chooses a limited palette. Even two or three colours can really make a beautiful painting. As always I prefer a challenge and, as I said, it is a matter of keeping the faith to proceed in spite of appearances. In the four panels there are two images that are quite simple. The other two require more planning. The most complicated is the waterfall. All of the images required redesigning as the format had changed from seven by four to six by four. The lighthouse needed something more to fill in the bottom and so I added some more rocks. At the moment the waterfall is very dismembered. The rock faces have very distinct colour changes from light cream to dark blue/black. There are reds, blues, browns, yellows and purples in the mix. The darks are too dark and there are no transitions or gradations making the whole thing look like a cut and paste affair. I have not scrapped it yet but I must admit I am spending more time on the other panels as they seem to be giving the results I am after more quickly. So… I will keep the faith and proceed. Life is good.

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