Monday, December 16, 2013


It is a little over one week to Christmas and the lights are sparkling everywhere. Our tree is up and there are even a few presents beneath it. My creativity will be focused on Christmas cards and composing a letter to accompany it, baking and making curtains. It would be so easy to get frazzled. Frazzled steals our awareness and our time. Yesterday while driving to one of the myriad of events we are attending at this time of year my husband noticed how green the lights were, and red too on the other side. I mentioned something about it being Christmas at any time of the year. Red and green. Bright and flashing. Yes. Being present to the moment allows us to appreciate the delightful colours, the quiet moments and the peace in our hearts. That is my present to everyone this year, a peaceful heart. There is joy in a peaceful heart, patience, forgiveness and love. My gift to you. Life is gloriously good.

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