Monday, February 17, 2014

The Gift

Inside the new series called “Connections” are several mini-series consisting of three to six paintings within each grouping. This is an example from one of the mini-series entitled “Winter Delights”. It is not quite complete as the poem and the psalm have not been written in along the branches or the sides of snow banks. An isolation coat will be applied to protect it as well before it is put on display. At the moment I am bringing the canvases to this point and then storing them. They are basically done as the poetry has been written and the bible reading selected.  My deadline approaches. I am still in the midst of painting. I thought two of the four left to do were finished until I glanced at them sitting in the corner. One was put away, the other remains on display waiting for my approval. Something is missing. During my moments of gazing contemplation the solution will come to me like a gift. I know I will recognize it when it arrives. And I will be grateful for the inspiration. In the meantime I will turn my attention to the two remaining tableaus.  One is well on the way; the other has not been started… Well, it has been started; it is at the stage of completion, the longest, most surrendered part of the process. Gazing contemplation is the norm at this point. I stand and stare a lot. I may not look like I am doing anything and in a way I am not. Doing has taken a backseat to receiving. I am opening myself to receiving the inspiration to complete. It is such a blessing to be able to do what I do. Life is good.

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