Monday, June 9, 2014


There is another deadline. I like deadlines. They inspire me to keep working. The show is in November and I decided to continue with the watercolour series “invitation”. The gallery space requires about twelve full-sheet size paintings. Depending on how things go I may include the four already completed. This one is called “Invitation: to ponder”. What you see is the beginning of a second layer. Watercolour develops patience. The first layer defines the light areas with particular attention to the white spaces one wishes to maintain. White is only white once: the beginning surface of the paper. The light areas are not all necessarily white though. I put in variations of quinacridone gold, ultramarine blue and burnt sienna and, with a few strokes of the brush, created what appear to be grass, trees and rocks. With the second layer of colour the pigment is a lot stronger and I begin to play with negative space. This play is made much easier when the previous strokes already hint at blades of grass or pine needles in trees. All I do is fill in the holes! Life is so good.

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