I thought I would give you a sneak preview into my upcoming show in November. The two paintings I have used to teach a few watercolour pointers over the last little while are “Invitation: to Appreciate” and “Invitation: to Commune”. Part of the process in completing a painting for me is determining when to stop. Sometimes I bring my work to a small group of artists whom I trust and who have the distance from the work to see small adjustments which improve the image immeasurably. Following the critique I consider the suggestions and make the changes I think appropriate. Of late, that means retaking the photos of my work and reinstalling them on my computer so they are ready for advertising and submission purposes. During the last session I dropped my camera. Always a good thing to do with a camera! I continued taking pictures as a little spark accompanied the press of the button and the image showed up differently on the viewfinder. This morning I put them on my computer and discovered each photo needed more tweeking than usual. I am thankful for digital images. Life is so good.
Invitation: To Appreciate
requires time, awareness, peace.
Open hearts behold.
Invitation: apprécier
Être présent avec
le coeur ouvert est la base