Monday, November 2, 2015

Final Touches

Adding code number for each painting

Checking for unwanteds under the glass

Securing the image and adding the wire

My husband is my biggest fan. He is also an analytical mathematician who loves working with numbers. When I announced I had finished my eleven paintings for CAVA he celebrated with me and thought I was done… Last Friday he asked me what framing all involves… Indeed. Watercolours need protection. The framing does not take long if one has all the ingredients at hand. I had checked some time ago and ordered ten new frames as I already had a few on my shelves. Most of them were silver and I wanted to show them in black. It looks far more professional if all the frames are the same style and the same colour in a show. The glass was abundant. There is a case on another shelf waiting to be emptied. I had forgotten about the matting until last week so I cut some scraps and had them belevel cut at my frame shop. Should be everything… Luckily I did have the other needed supplies such as acid free tape, window cleaner and bandaids. Glass is sharp on the edges and I usually get at least one nick. So everything is ready to deliver on Wednesday and I can turn my attention to other things… like mixed media! Life is good.

Just a reminder:
Two concurrent upcoming shows this week!