Monday, January 20, 2014


There comes a point in a painting where a decision to quit must be made. In abstract work this point can be found at any time, early or later, in the process. When is a painting finished? It is rather easy to overdo things. I love what I am doing. I could fill the whole panel with the mosaic dabs of paint losing the contrast and the dominance necessary for a flow and balance in the image. This series is particularly challenging in that there is a question right at the beginning of image development: where do I begin? So far I have managed to take the leap of faith necessary to begin. The second question is rather more problematic. For this particular painting I have decided that it is finished several times. Once I have “finished” a piece I take the canvas and mount it against a wall so that I can live with it for a while. So far this one has not cut the mustard and it is back on my table ready for the next improvement. I admit it. I am fussing. Where the painting will lead me is anyone’s guess at the moment and I am so enjoying the journey. Exciting discoveries along the way are always in order. Life is so good.

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