Monday, January 27, 2014

Getting Distance

The days seem to be flowing faster than usual. Perhaps it is because they are fuller than usual. Or perhaps my looming deadline is a month closer… There are still six canvases to fill. Breathe. Calm down. Let go. A time-honoured tradition in the field of artistic creation is standing back from the painting to determine whether or not all the elements are working together. Standing back from my work comes with two inherent problems: space and puddling… the puddles I create on the surface require horizontal time to dry. The space in my studio suggests I climb a ladder to obtain the desired perspective. So there you see me atop a stepladder gazing at my work on the table. I could get a little more distance if I placed the painting on the floor; however, I am not sure what I would do with the table! Putting it under the table defeats the purpose it seems to me. Once things are dry I do place my work on top of the cupboards and stand back across the room. Certainly, once I imagine a piece is done, it stays in that position for several days before I declare it finished. Another way to get distance is by using a mirror.  The reversed image allows me to spot obvious errors quickly, errors that may go unnoticed as I am so used to seeing the work the other way around. There is one more arena where I am having more trouble keeping my distance: staying connected. Stress interferes with creativity. Every once in a while I discover myself thinking, “This is taking too long.” At this juncture I stand back, take a few breaths, gaze at the beauty being created for a while and let go. What will get done will get done. All is well and all will be well. (Julien of Norwich) Life is good.

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