Monday, July 5, 2010

Lipstick and Sunshine

"Lipstick and Sunshine"
6"x8" (15cm x 20cm)
mixed media

The idea of creating a painting per day, quick and easy, totally intrigued me. This is my first attempt. I decided to remain consistent with the other work in which I am presently involved so I chose mixed media. Having previously prepared several panels beforehand (which means at least four layers of various ingredients) I grabbed one and marched into my kitchen. The sunlight was pouring through the semi-opaque window pane (I must clean that someday…) and danced across the tablecloth on its way over my struggling lipstick plant. If I remember to water it, it may bloom again one day and I will do a second version. As the image was generally green in my area of focus I chose a red watercolour pencil to do the drawing. I love drawing and was soon lost in the foliage happily creating darker and lighter shapes, playing with negative space. When I looked again the shadow patterns on the table had totally renewed themselves in a different composition. Lovely. I will have to remember that…. I decided not to redraw it and began adding layers of colour. By this time it was lunchtime. All in all it was a delightful exercise and it only took me four days to complete!


  1. This "delightful excercise" delights me too. This is amazing, the colours are fantastic, and the lighting totally draws me into the moment.

  2. Thank you so much for your interest. Image what the original looks like!
