Monday, December 19, 2011


Architecture is not my favorite subject. Everything has to line up just so and follow the rules of perspective. It is very time consuming. With the deadline looming I was wondering if I had chosen too long a process when I had decided to transfer the photo images. I took the original photographs and I enlarged them on a photocopy machine. One was just large enough. The other two needed to grow by using the grid system. I could not find my plastic sheet with the grid but in my search I found a forgotten piece of plexiglass which I quickly gridded up and threw the maquette under it. The enlarged photocopies went under the grid as well and I was soon satisfied with the shell of each structure. My light table is very useful at times. I turned it on and stood on the stool. Too short. The only horizontal surface in my studio that can accommodate the light table is about five feet up. The one foot stool got my head just over the rim…. Out came the two step stool. Just right. All I had to remember was not to step off of it thinking it was the floor… Once the shells were traced on the back of each sheet (the images were going to be reversed in the transfer so this was a necessary step) I began to add the details freehand. I stopped in and had a photocopy made of each drawing before I went back to my studio and then pasted them to the surface of the vignette. As I waited for that to dry I began to labour over the other structures at the bottom of the piece. I took a break and added the sky. This was going to work! The next day I scrubbed off the paper, touched up the drawings, finished the lay in  and began to paint the bottom. One more day. Yes, I was going to meet the deadline. I like being on time. I like it when my customers are pleased too. All in all this was a very satisfying challenge.

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