Monday, February 6, 2012


Well, they are done! Amazing! I had decided to finish twenty sketches before I selected the fifteen that would be in the show. It proved to be more difficult than I anticipated, the selection I mean. The movement in the cape and the patterning left by a little water sprinkle and some ink drops was fascinating. I decided to keep the five extra in reserve so I filed them away. Taking out my fun metallic foil I noticed how static cling provided some resistance to extraction from the cellophane bag. I dumped most of it onto a sheet of white paper and cut the bag open to retrieve the remaining bits. The colours were more varied than I anticipated and I divided it into four groups, each on a separate piece of paper. I carefully unscrunched the pieces, much easier to handle than real gold, and I began to apply it to my drawings. I created a circle around the model following the path left by the cape and eventually came to the conclusion that smaller is better. Most of the time there does not appear to be much of a difference in the drawings but as I walk by the light catches the metal and lights up the surface. Beautiful. Now I have fifteen circles moving with the capes in various colours, some pure gold, some copper, some more green than blue, some more red than green. Yes! All I have left to do is sort out the order in which I wish them to be displayed, sign, code and frame them. I code all my work. It is a simple method I read about some time ago. Do not remember the author. The information about each piece is right in the code. For example, one of the drawings will have a code reading ISMKB000112D. I is for ink, S for sepia, M for metallic, KB my initials and 000 enough space in case I manage to draw more than a thousand drawings in one year…., 1 is for the first, 12 is for the year and D is for drawing. I use a similar method for my paintings except I drop the D. With this method I can see at a glance when each were made and with what. They go on display on the 1st of March at CAVA, 9103 95th Ave Edmonton. I will be in attendance at the reception on 2nd March at 7pm to 8:30pm. The wine is always good! Hope to see you there.

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