Monday, December 30, 2013


So I am technologically challenged! I do have the necessary equipment with me. If I had thought about it earlier I could have used it. Instead I used the tried and true way, my camera, which uses an XD card instead of an SD card so it does not readily fit into my computer. I could have used my iPad. It was in my purse…. Sigh. Technology makes all kinds of things possible, like this blog!! In the midst of a learning curve it can drive some people to drink. I am at the brink, not really, just annoyed. I will learn. One of the more important things I will learn is how to use my iPad to remind me of appointments. Lately there has been a significant increase in missed dates with various people. So there is a choice in all this: I can choose to become cranky and make everyone around me wish they were somewhere else or I can accept what I cannot change and move on. Sometimes that can be funny. I missed a funny episode this week because I chose to be cranky. As I was explaining to some friends of mine, I had discovered just how little counter space I have in my kitchen when the roaster with the turkey in it fell into the sink and the stuffing escaped onto the floor in the rescue attempt. I had to laugh too as they were all doubled over. After all, it was funny. Life is good, the new snow is redefining beautiful and I am warm and comfortable. Celebrating thirty years with my wonderful husband is good too. Life is very good.

Monday, December 16, 2013


It is a little over one week to Christmas and the lights are sparkling everywhere. Our tree is up and there are even a few presents beneath it. My creativity will be focused on Christmas cards and composing a letter to accompany it, baking and making curtains. It would be so easy to get frazzled. Frazzled steals our awareness and our time. Yesterday while driving to one of the myriad of events we are attending at this time of year my husband noticed how green the lights were, and red too on the other side. I mentioned something about it being Christmas at any time of the year. Red and green. Bright and flashing. Yes. Being present to the moment allows us to appreciate the delightful colours, the quiet moments and the peace in our hearts. That is my present to everyone this year, a peaceful heart. There is joy in a peaceful heart, patience, forgiveness and love. My gift to you. Life is gloriously good.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Moving is the prime test of virtue. I am not going into my shortcomings or how many times I failed the test; suffice to say, judgment apart, moving provides many opportunities to smile and rise above…. My daughter caught me in one of my favorite places these days, atop a step stool. In this case ‘favorite’ is measured by the amount of time I spend there. I enjoy the challenge of fixing things. Lately I have had to remember that. ‘All things in moderation’, there is wisdom here. Excess leads to a tipping point where one chooses to growl or smile and rise above. My husband does not like to hear me growl and I have been doing too much of late so he has sent me into exile today: I am going to my studio for the first time in a month. I can hardly wait. Tomorrow I will continue to fix and arrange. It will be easier to smile with a dose of painting under my belt. I think I will indulge in some printmaking… By the way, I am very remiss in getting out my invitations for the VASA member show which is on now until the end of January. My computer problems will be fixed and arranged shortly, not today. The opening was last Saturday and a very pleasant time was had by all. I intend to send out the invitation I have created some time before Christmas as a reminder that the exhibition is still on. My mailing list is still under construction. VASA is closed Sundays and Mondays, open 10am to 5pm the rest of the week. 25 Sir Winston Churchill Ave. St. Albert AB, just in case you are interested. Also, I would like to apologize for last week. My blog got lost among the screws and hammers. Life is still good.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Playing with Light

I am just beginning to understand the system of notan. One of the most interesting aspects of being artist is the constant possibility of learning new things. The subject came up in the previous two issues of International Artist Magazine. Notan is all about light and the patterns made in the simplest version. I am beginning to practice the skill of seeing everything in black and white patterns. Reducing the detail our eyes see to simple shapes is one of the most important steps in en plein air painting. I knew that. So the first step after setting up all the equipment is to spend the time gazing and simplifying. With notan the next step is to see the patterns in black and white, only black and white. This is not as easy as it sounds. There are thousands of shades and variations in tone and value, our eyes can see at least ten thousand at once. Reducing this to two takes practice. Once I have managed at least a partial reduction the composition of elements is much easier to see and to assess. Either the dark or the light must have a dominant role, fifty-fifty is boring. The shapes of the dark and the light must vary in size and in placement so that an interesting balance is created. There is usually a moment when a choice must be made whether to put this particular shape in black or white to improve the flow within the format. My brain is usually screaming at me, “But it is black!” It needs to be white… “But is it black!” It seems this argument comes up in other areas of my life too…. Life is good.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Moonbeams of Entreaty

I am back in my studio today for the first time in what feels like forever! Suffering from studio withdrawal has lead to some instances of disintegration; however, all is well. Moonbeams is a group of three in my new collection of paintings calling for an awareness of personal responsibility for our world. Everything is connected. Everything. My personal contribution to world peace is developing a peaceful heart. There is no chance of war with anyone who has a peaceful heart. Those who have peaceful hearts can be recognized by the calm joy that pervades their being. They listen. They forgive. They take on the responsibility of the circumstances that surround them and they say, “I’m sorry. I love you. Please forgive me.” This opens the door to reconciliation. Most people are searching for someone to listen. They need to be heard and validated before they can begin to heal. Once they understand that they have been heard they become aware of some of their problems and may even recognize the roots that perpetrate them. All because someone took the time to listen, to care. I have been blessed with many listeners in my life. I have been doubly blessed with listeners who ask pertinent questions about why I am stuck and how I might move past my circumstances…. Like I said, I am still working on a peaceful heart. I hear it is a lifetime process. I am thankful for the awareness and the opportunity. Life is good.