Monday, November 25, 2013

Playing with Light

I am just beginning to understand the system of notan. One of the most interesting aspects of being artist is the constant possibility of learning new things. The subject came up in the previous two issues of International Artist Magazine. Notan is all about light and the patterns made in the simplest version. I am beginning to practice the skill of seeing everything in black and white patterns. Reducing the detail our eyes see to simple shapes is one of the most important steps in en plein air painting. I knew that. So the first step after setting up all the equipment is to spend the time gazing and simplifying. With notan the next step is to see the patterns in black and white, only black and white. This is not as easy as it sounds. There are thousands of shades and variations in tone and value, our eyes can see at least ten thousand at once. Reducing this to two takes practice. Once I have managed at least a partial reduction the composition of elements is much easier to see and to assess. Either the dark or the light must have a dominant role, fifty-fifty is boring. The shapes of the dark and the light must vary in size and in placement so that an interesting balance is created. There is usually a moment when a choice must be made whether to put this particular shape in black or white to improve the flow within the format. My brain is usually screaming at me, “But it is black!” It needs to be white… “But is it black!” It seems this argument comes up in other areas of my life too…. Life is good.

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