Monday, October 21, 2013


So here is the mysterious creation I promised for this week. I am so enjoying the serendipitous nature of the new techniques I am pursuing. Beginning with random splatterings and multiple layers of colour separately applied, there is a glow that inspires the image. It is a calling. The painting dictates the direction; I follow. Every once in a while I allow my head to tweek the path. Occasionally I know better, most of the time I would have better spent my time following as before. Of course as a result of moving with the flow I find myself spending copious amounts of time just gazing. Gazing time is time well spent. It may not look like I am doing anything except sipping a warm cuppa yet in that moment of connection new vistas open wide, unpredictable solutions present themselves and adventurous risks beckon. Sometimes it is a challenge to gather the sufficient amount of courage to take the risk; once done the results are almost always spectacular. Here is the poem and the psalm that go with it:

Words of love dispell
malignancies. Let us change
our hearts, cure the world.

Nous avons la force
de créer le paradis.
Choisissons nos mots.

John 13:34-35

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