Monday, April 7, 2014

Teaching Again

It has been a while. The Redwater Art Society reminded me how much fun it is. I threw a phenomenal array of mixed media techniques at them before we sat down for lunch. The afternoon was spent putting some of the techniques into practice. Throughout the process we lost track of the colours with which we began. Some of us had quite a bit of paint on surfaces other than the canvas! Oh, that is right, we never did get to the canvas… Control, or lack of control, ruled the day. I was asked several times if a certain colour or procedure would be appropriate. I always replied in the affirmative. Anything goes when fun is king. I suspect the constant flux in my life is teaching me how to accept what I cannot change, how to release expectations that really get in the way of being present to the moment, and how to savour the laughter, the joy and the affirmation of our common creativity. We are all artists in one form or another. Delight comes when we can include all forms. Life is good.

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