Monday, July 7, 2014

Value Trays for Watercolour

Wet into Wet
Jar Lids

The surprises in watercolour are what keep me intrigued. One never has complete control over this media and as I continue using it I am less inclined to aim for complete control. Serendipitous blending produces the most magical results. The trick is recognizing when to leave things alone… To help create surprises I have happened on a system of value ranging that works very well for me. Value is the foundation for all colour and is therefore the most important. In the photo "Jar Lids" above you see a fine example of recycling: jar lids holding various liquids. I love jar lids. Usually the lightest washes are in the largest lids. They are the base into which I drop stronger and contrasting colours: wet into wet. The system works with the separation of three sources of value within each colour. The biggest lid holds the palest wash in each colour. Usually the largest brush is associated with this value. The smaller lid holds a much darker wash and the smaller brush goes with that. If I need even stronger contrast I can always dip into my paint tray which has been moistened with a water spray. So I have two lids, two brushes and three values for each of the colours I choose to use within each painting. The other essential ingredients are clean water brushes large and small and paper towel. So much fun! Life is so good!

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