Monday, October 27, 2014


Last week my wonderful husband asked me if I wanted to make a quick trip to Grande Prairie over the weekend. I thought about all I need to do before my opening and I said a quick “No”. Then I asked him why and he told me a Celebration of Life was going to be held on Monday with prayers on Sunday night. We left right after church, arriving in Grande Prairie at about five in the afternoon. It gave us time to visit with his sister and her husband before we went to church. There are priorities and then there are priorities. Life is not always within our control. Is it ever? I used to create the illusion I was in control. More and more I relinquish this illusion and surrender to the movement of the Spirit. Relationships take priority in our lives. Learning how to build better relationships is an ongoing process. It means we change our plans to accommodate those near and dear to us. We make an effort to reach out to those who are linked in other ways than family as well. It all makes for a better world. And on the way home I was treated to a delightful display of light that made me want to stop for a couple of hours in several places to capture my inspiration. Our priority was to reach home before dark so we did not stop. I will indulge my creative spirit at another time. Will I meet my deadlines? Of course. All is well and all will be well. Live is good.

Monday, October 20, 2014


In my very busy studio I have finally put my tools away. I am beginning to unpack filling the newly made shelves, deciding what to keep and what to throw away, or recycle. It is a distraction. I like order. I like control. I like being able to find what I need when I need it. I am neglecting my priorities. So today I took some time at the computer to make up the invitations for my forthcoming show. I was in a hurry as I wished to print some and deliver a few with the donation of a drawing for a fundraiser this Saturday. When I returned to my computer this afternoon a very diligent soul had informed me I had the address wrong for the venue. Sigh. I drew a breath, cursed and corrected the error. I also resent all the emails and added a few more. I am still not finished. I will hand correct all those I printed before I mail them out. It seems to be a recurring problem. It has been a while since I have formulated the perfect invitation. Perfectionism is a source of dis-ease for me. I have always aspired to be “perfect” as my heavenly father is “perfect”. Tonight I read this kind of perfectionism has more to with compassion than it has to do with flawlessness, a difference between the Hebrew and Greek mentalities. So with that in mind I stood in front of the mirror and compassionately forgave me my limitations. Life is still good.

Two upcoming events:
Star of the North Fundraiser Saturday, 25th October in the Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre 11050 90 St Edmonton at 5:30pm. Tickets are available at

“Invitation: to Life” CAVA 9103 95 Ave Edmonton Friday, 7th November at 7pm. The show runs to the 18th November.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Colours

Fall has been a long-time favorite season of mine. The colours are truly exceptional this year. As the coolness in the air increases the pathways and byways become increasingly littered in drifts of gold leaf, heaped and sprinkled. The tree across the street caught my eye this morning as the sun played patchwork with the branches and the leaf groupings. There are so many possible compositions creating numerous ambiances. Part of the difference lays in the lines the trunks of the trees make. There is a certain dynamic in simple lines. Should we put a line across the page horizontally we create a notion of peace. Perhaps it is a reference to still waters or open fields which are always horizontal. Straight up and down reminds us of trees or fence posts. It takes more energy to remain standing than laying down. Using a diagonal stance creates the most active line. The tree is falling. Diagonals feel like they are moving. Action comics use a lot of diagonal lines when battles are being waged. So of the two photos taken from the same tree which one feels more stable? Which one feels more like dancing? Which one do you prefer? Life is so good.   

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Better Days

My buried framing table

The infamous shelving


I have had better days. Yesterday a friend enquired as to where my blog might be… Well, I had forgotten all about it. She had found me in the midst of a bit of a funk. The morning had not gone well. I had planned on framing a few watercolours and beginning the last in the series… So close to being done! Yes… One of the first things I looked for was the board upon which I install my paintings in order to take a photo reference. I found it. Behind many canvases and boards, it was stuck fast. All I had to do was move some into the storage unit and voilà! Easy, yes? Yes. Things deteriorated after that. So in order to frame my paintings I needed the frames. Most of them have images in them which I just pull out in order to reuse the framing. Ah yes, under another pile of canvases… Easy, yes? No. I moved the canvases into their designated slots and found out the shelves I had installed were a half-inch too low. The top shelving (under construction on roof of the storage unit) was also too small. There was a choice: I could either move the shelves up half an inch to accommodate the canvases or move them up two inches to fit for the framed glass. I decided the former was more efficient. Having moved the shelves I discovered I could only load three of the framed pieces into the upper portion because the two-by-four supporting the storage unit roof was too low. Sigh. Taking the jigsaw, the hand saw and a drill I removed three-quarters of an inch from the two-by-fours in two sections so the watercolours would slide in easily. By this time I was thoroughly frustrated and quite beyond any creative activity. I spent the afternoon installing flooring in the roof of my studio for storage. My watercolour sheet and all my paints are now covered in sawdust. A job for tomorrow. Life is still good.