Monday, October 27, 2014


Last week my wonderful husband asked me if I wanted to make a quick trip to Grande Prairie over the weekend. I thought about all I need to do before my opening and I said a quick “No”. Then I asked him why and he told me a Celebration of Life was going to be held on Monday with prayers on Sunday night. We left right after church, arriving in Grande Prairie at about five in the afternoon. It gave us time to visit with his sister and her husband before we went to church. There are priorities and then there are priorities. Life is not always within our control. Is it ever? I used to create the illusion I was in control. More and more I relinquish this illusion and surrender to the movement of the Spirit. Relationships take priority in our lives. Learning how to build better relationships is an ongoing process. It means we change our plans to accommodate those near and dear to us. We make an effort to reach out to those who are linked in other ways than family as well. It all makes for a better world. And on the way home I was treated to a delightful display of light that made me want to stop for a couple of hours in several places to capture my inspiration. Our priority was to reach home before dark so we did not stop. I will indulge my creative spirit at another time. Will I meet my deadlines? Of course. All is well and all will be well. Live is good.

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