Monday, November 15, 2010

Alley Lace

Alley Lace
15" x 11"

It was a glorious holiday. I spent most of my time outside in the sunshine hidden behind sheds and in corners trying to be inconspicuous, out of the way, invisible. There is something compelling about happening upon an artist at her easel, staring at puddles and overhead wiring. What madness is this? Often people would stop to chat and take a look. Many would pretend they had not seen me, to maintain my illusion of invisibility, or to avoid connecting with someone from another dimension. Yes, all creativity has its roots and inspiration in another dimension. I visit often, would prefer to stay, however, practical considerations require my presence in this world. The first attempt at this delicate piece left an impression that an elephant had trampled through the wires or that some mud storm had passed through leaving streaks of heavy, inconsistent strands slicing the sky asunder. I enjoy drawing negative space. It is that bit that shows up between things. The holes as it were. I love drawing the holes. This method is usually the best and fastest way to a stunning composition and, in this case, the opportunity to play with colour. The watercolour pencil I use for drawing adds its own voice once water is introduced to the surface. I often choose complementary colours so that red peeks between the green branches, orange streaks the blue sky or yellow graces a purple grass. This time I chose an analogous colour. The darker blue against the paler blue/purple blends beautifully and makes green among the yellow leaves. Another ode to autumn, my favorite season.

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