Sunday, December 27, 2015


I lost my camera over these past two weeks. Last night in the scurry of preparing for the last Christmas dinner I found it hidden among the legs of the fold away chairs. Today we leave for Falher, the land of disconnect. There is no internet where we will be staying so I decided to send out my blog a little early. How was your Christmas? I met a young man yesterday who said his was “tolerable”. My response was, “How sad.” He replied, “Tolerable is better than what I grew up with…” Sadder still. We bring so much garbage into relationship. Long ago my husband and I decided to keep what we liked and throw out the rest. Housecleaning is a lifetime process. Now that our family is including strangers with their own history it has become more challenging. As we get to know each other in the context of loving one another we begin to trust. With trust come vulnerability, acceptance and joy. We had a wonderful Christmas. It is not like what it used to be and largely we have let go of being “right” or insisting on things being a certain way. I enjoy the love and laughter. May your days during this special season be filled with the same. Merry Christmas.

P.S. I am part of the Deep Freeze Festival this year. My daughter is delivering my painting to the Carrot Cafe this afternoon and another painting will be in the Nina Haggerty Gallery on the 2nd of January. Life is good.

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