Monday, December 1, 2014


We often hear of writers’ block. Creative blocks come in many forms. As a visual artist I occasionally encounter moments or even weeks of arid, fruitless futility. These voids can be created by my own avoidance of regular artistic practice, pushing paint around. Lately my blocks have come in more physical forms like the two feet of snow between my soul space and me. By the time I had shoveled it away I was in need of a cuppa. Unfortunately I only had time to extract the tools I required before heading off to repair some major holes in plaster walls. I am getting good at that! Today is the beginning of a new month, a new liturgical year, a new lease for a new tenant…. This means the scrub pails appear and the oven cleaner gets another workout. I have different paintbrushes in my hands these days. It took three of us all day to get the place in order for someone new. There is still some touch up painting to do once the primer dries and I will not be doing that tomorrow… God is good. Random encounters have produced a new tenant without even advertising and somehow I mixed my weeks so although I thought tomorrow was busy with various meetings, not so. A small smile twitches at the corners of my mouth as I contemplate some rich organizing hours in my studio. So good. Life is so good.   

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