Monday, December 15, 2014


I love mystery. There is something that inspires the imagination in the mystery of veiled truth. For example I prefer to cover my body with flowing wraps which allow a peek at the layers beneath. Different colours, different textures create a sense of intrigue. Truth looks much better in this case when it is mostly hidden… In my paintings I encourage curiosity as the viewer peers into the layers of hues and forms, not quite knowing what lies beneath. A garden fascinates when one cannot quite see what might be at the end of that curving path. I am in the midst of creating some mystery in my studio/gallery. I wish to install a small transition between my workspace and the area in which I will display my finished meditations. It is more of an invitation than a separation. Several years ago my aunt who died in 2006 spend many hours taking beaded seat covers apart and re-stringing them so that they might be hung in doorways and closet entrances. The project was never quite completed and in all our moving I could not quite part with the love they represented. There are several places in our new home where the beaded doorways finish a corner beautifully. What is on the floor in the photo is the nearly finished doorway to my workspace entered from the gallery. Not only does the intrigue beckon it glows in the memories of loving hands. Life is so good.

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