Monday, November 7, 2011

My world

This is so much fun! It looks like chaos but it is really organized chaos. We see here the feeding of my life’s blood, not one or two projects but ten, or more. Lovely! Boredom be gone! The three panels on the tables are commissions. Christmas money…maybe. The six panels on the left, leaning up against my moveable wall are the beginnings of a new series, again done in triplets. The untouched canvases on the easel are waiting for my attention in another series entitled, for the moment, “Pilgrims”. I have still-lifes set up all along the shelving to the right for pen and ink studies. The finished panel for Mural Mosaics sits just above the toaster oven and unobtrusively amid my lunch is a pad with a mechanical pencil. I have an incredible story to tell. The beginnings are down, prologue and a few sentences in chapter one. As with my paintings I have a vague idea where to begin, how it ends up is anyone’s guess. Well, the commissions are calling me. They are ready for an undercoat. I think I will pick my ultramarine blue/burnt sienna mix. All three will match that way! Once that is dry I will tackle the problem of having created the sketches in the wrong format, a ratio miscalculation. Sigh. Math.

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